
Thanks for viewing my blog! I hope you like it!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The First Week

My first week was a mixture of terrifying, stimulating and hilarious. My first class was American History and I really made an “impression”. I checked my schedule and the class started at 10:30am. I like to get to school early so I set my alarm for 8:00am and of course I overslept. I woke up at 9:50am and rushed around like a maniac to get out the door. I made it to campus at 10:35am and strolled into class. I was immediately accosted by a teacher I had never met before that was asking why I was late. I was a bit stunned because I have never been late to a previous class and I was only 5 minutes late. All the desks were filled, so I had to sit in a discarded chair in the front of the room like I was in a naughty seat. About 10 minutes after I arrived, another student entered and was also told he was late. At the end of the class the teacher advised us that everyone should arrive by 10:00am for class. At that moment I realized, I wasn’t 5 minutes late, but 35 minutes late. I was horrified and this week I have to make sure I am extra early just too karmic compensate for last week.

Thankfully, the rest of my week was much better. I was off of work most of the week, which is always nice; I received my placement for the middle school I will be observing this semester, my old alma mater Gaugher-Cobbs; and I went to see Sherlock Holmes. I also like all of my teachers. They all seem to be passionate about what they teach and bring enthusiasm to what they are teaching. I hope that I will be that type of teacher. I was also researching different school districts and charter schools to see where I would like to teach. I can’t wait to graduate and have my own students!

Stay Tuned for Future Developments,
The 20-Something Mystic

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Right Around the Corner

My winter break is ending and I start my next semester on Tuesday. I am excited to start my new classes and get one semester closer to the finish line, my degree! I also feel a little sad that I can just come home from work and just "vege" out by watching TV or read leisurely. Starting on Tuesday, I will be surrounded by required reading, homework, deadlines and new responsibilities. I am hoping the new schedule I have created myself will keep me organized so I can not only study and get homework done, but also exercise and volunteer with my favorite organizations.

This semester I will actually be taking several education classes that will have a direct impact on my future students and I will be taking lots of notes. I also hope to attend the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) in March so I can make some connections with other students and teachers that are passionate about science. I am also reading, Work Hard. Be Nice. by Jay Matthews about Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin, the founders of the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP). The created the first and most successful charter schools catering to students with low-income and minority backgrounds to give them an excellent education and a way to get to college and be successful. I hope to work in one of their schools when I graduate or a school with the same principles.

Stay Tuned for Future Developments,
The 20-Something Mystic

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year and a Revised Me!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you enjoyed your holidays and are excited about the hope presented by a new year completely unblemished. I have decided not to make resolutions, but achievable goals that I would like continually accomplished, not only this year, but for years to come.

The major goals I have for this year include:
-eating healthier and exercising regularly
- increasing my volunteer efforts by volunteering on a weekly basis
-staying focused on school by studying regularly
-sticking to a manageable budget so I can save an emergency fund

I will use this blog to document my progress towards these goals and how I am progressing to achieving these goals.

Stay tuned for future developments,

The 20-Something Mystic

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Wonderful Time of Year

I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday!! Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What it really means to be a teacher

The below article describes one teacher's account of what really goes on as a teacher. Please read it and tell me your thoughts!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow, Snow Go Away!

I woke up today at about 10:15am so I could pick up some overtime and get ahead on a few bills and save some money. I looked outside of my window and I was in the middle of a snow globe. Snow was piled on top of the cars, trees and parking lot, with not a plow in sight. I took a shower, put on some warm clothes and cleaned off my car. After about 15 minutes, I was ready for my trek to work. I figured I was going to be a few minutes late, so, I called my job and no one answered. I figured it must be busy so I continue on my way. I slipped all the way to work and ....NO ONE was there. I then realized that I should have called the emergency number before leaving home and I could have saved my gas and frustration. I ended up cold, wet and unnecessarily tired.

How was your snow day?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

So Long Fall Semester! Hello Rest and Relaxation!

I have been busy completing my last assignments for this semester and am completely wiped out! I took my last finals today and I am feeling relieved and excited for a 4 week break between this semester and next. I think I did pretty well and hope to continue in my pursuit for the elusive A. I really had fun this semester because I was able to interact with my teachers and classmates face to face (previously I was taking online classes). I also was able to take my first education class and really get to the nitty-gritty of what my future career will actually entail. I know I said I was not going to make resolutions, but make achievable goals, and one will definitely be for me to have scheduled study time every week. This will allow me to stay focused throughout the semester and not feel the end of semester crunch to get things done. I am sorry to admit, but I am a procrastinator and I need to remain busy to get things done. I must have a need to feel stressed, but I do come up with creative solutions when I am pressed for time. I am still working on my goals for next year and will post them as soon as I have them finalized. I do know that they will revolve around me finding creative ways for me to fund my education, get the most out of school, and become more involved in my community.

Stay tuned for more developments,

The 20-Something Mystic